In addition to hunting, we are the only one in Croatia to offer photo safari, where you can individually or collectively photograph and record various types of game.
Within the hunting area we have developed and established a program of photo safaris for individuals and groups up to 20 people. In group photo safari people can photograph wild boar, deer and roe deer, while the individual with photo equipment can observe bears too.

Black Top hunting grounds IV / 17 and Thick top IV / 18 are spread over the area of the mountain chain of Velika and Mala Kapela with total size of 22,000 hectares. The hunting grounds are located at an altitude of 600 - 1100 meters. The area is covered with fir and beech forest with a lot of hills and meadows.

All our hunters, hikers or tourists we offer a comfortable accommodation in our hunting lodge in the village of Bielsko.

Call us and arrange your appointment for hunting, you will certainly be happy and successful in the hunt!

Good fortune!
